[A NOTE: I provide this media strictly for non-commercial use and sharing, with attribution. Except where otherwise noted, all of my materials are provided via a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. Please consult the license code for information on how this works, or contact me if you’d like to use the work in another fashion.]
Navigate through the carousel below for a selection of video offerings, including “Speculative Solidarities” via my IGTV/YouTube Channels, a public session on radical publishing practice, sound poetics performances, and more. Use the “Play” button in the upper left to begin media on any video, and the right/left arrows on the top right to navigate through the video slides. Click anywhere outside the video player to exit!
- Bodies of Work: Elæ Moss & Georgia Elrod in Collaboration and Conversation. Artists’ book / collaborative archival print-document. Forthcoming.
- “Troubling (Dis)embodied Practice and Pedagogy in Bioprecarious Times : Operations Towards a Radical Recentering,” limited edition chapbook in Urgent Possibilities: Writing on Feminist Practices and Emergent Pegagogies, Eohippus Labs, 2020. [download pdf]
- “Languaging a Future for Lovepersons: Speculative Strategies Towards Radical Trans/cendence,” in the Transgender Narratives Anthology, forthcoming, 2021. [download pdf]
- Sweet and Low: Indefinite Singular, writings and experiments, The Trouble With Bartleby / The Operating System & Liminal Lab, March 2020.
- “And I in the middle-ground found: Documentation as Self-hack, Sigil, and Blueprint,” in Matters of Feminist Practice, inaugural print issue; Belladonna*, February 2020. [download pdf]
- “Terminations : One,” excerpted for Choice Words: Writers on Abortion anthology, edited by Annie Finch. (Haymarket Books, 2020). Full online publication as part of the ‘Lifting the Burden of Shame‘ series, April 2018.
- Collaborative Precarity Bodyhacking Work-Book and Resource Guide, with Cory Tamler and storm budwig. The Operating System, 2019. [In conjunction with workshops for budwig’s “Resistance Fantasies” residency, as part of the Exponential Festival, Target Margin Theatre. Brooklyn NY January 2019.]
- “In Memory of Feasible Grace,” Panthalassa Pamphlet from Tea & Tattered Pages Press, 2018. [This para-academic long poem / footnote diptych was inspired by the work of Paolo Soleri, and is part of my ongoing work around a/evolution.] [download pdf]
- “In Theory,” in Resist Much / Obey Little : Inaugural Poems to the Resistance, 2017.
- “movements,” (excerpts) in The Brooklyn Poets Anthology, Brooklyn Poets / Brooklyn Arts Press, 2017.
- Ground and Blood Atlas, both collections of works from 2007-2012, The Trouble With Bartleby. Originally published as limited edition handmade chapbooks, 2012. These reissued editions, 2017.
- “BIG BANG THEORY,” in The Occupy Wall Street Poetry Anthology, 2011.
- “sèkpexën” – in the No, Dear “Water” issue, 2022.
- “Heteroglossolalia / Forked Tongues in Criptime,” from Up I’m a Chair, Down I’m a Stair, in Vestiges_05: Lacunae, memory as a morgue, from Black Sun Lit, 2020.
- “Nonlinear Alchemical Disruptor Mechanisms :: Tripartite Spellwork and Documenting Presence :: Disruptor Mechanisms Field Protocol,” in Tagvverk Temp Editions 02: What Got Left in the Future, 2020. [full pdf at Tagvverk]
- “Speculative Resilience Field Practices / #documentingpresence Field Notes” – in Guest Poetry Journal, No. 7, ed. by Susana Gardner
- a [*dyeu-] – in Poems from muses / positive magnets #6
- “elegy for the almost gone / termination codon,” in Big Echo
- “wəˈTHaoŏt,wəˈTHout,””Therianthropy,” and “Quinta Essentia” in the Philadelphia Supplement vol. 2
- “FATAL RUN_TIME ERROR,” in No, Dear; Issue 21, “States.”
- “Editorial: Radical Open Access and the Future of Libraries :: In the face of enforced scarcity, a case for open access: taking distribution into our own hands,” In Boog City 120
- “Dis-/ease Control: [Central]**” in CDC Poetry Project
- “market value,” part of Yes Poetry’s #metoo series
- excerpts from “Body Oddy Oddy” in LIVE MAG #14
- Poets off Poetry @ Coldfront, on “Emerge” by Fischerspooner
- “magnesium is born in stars,” in postBLANK’s postMORTEM issue
- “Astral Converted” in Vintage Magazine
- “status update” in Gorgon Poetics
- “Just Like Itself,” at Mom Egg
- These mixed media illustrations were created to accompany part IV of Sarah Blake’s serial poem, The Starship, on Berfrois.
- These are various pieces written on Medium, for the OS and elsewhere
- Top Ten Internet Tragedies of All Time, for PopTen
Now mostly collected on the Operating System & Liminal Lab’s Medium site, the selected documents below represent public writings and mission-oriented language around project design produced from my position as founder / lead facilitator / creative director.
- Abolition | Archive | Access :: Announcing the 2021 OS / LL Project Cohort
- In Solidarity and Possibility :: A Commitment to Community in Crisis
- Inspiration, Community, and Gratitude in Times of Crisis: The 9th Annual OS NaPoMo 30/30/30 [With Whatever Rest is Needed] also see: Rest :: Re:Cover / Re:View Days 4, 6, 20
- From the Founder’s Desk :: #GivingTuesday, or, Learning to Ask for What You Need (a meditation on the terms and means of growth)
- And then, allowing: the Evolution of the ‘In Corpore Sano’ project
- Translation :: A Necessary Resistance in Troubling Times
- Building Interpersonal Infrastructure : A Query, A Quest
- Original Series Announcement :: Field Notes
- The Truth to Power Radio Show on Radio Free Brooklyn, Episode 161, “Systems at Play” (featured guest for this episode)
- The Positive Head Podcast #949, “P-Head Posse episode sixty-nine” (featured guest for this episode)
- The Dead Rabbits Podcast Episode 20, “What’s in a Name”? featuring Elæ and Caits Meissner
- The Brains Behind It Series, Episode 180 “Lynne DeSilva-Johnson on the art of Counter-Culture Publishing“
- The Lit Fantastic Podcast s2e5: on Evolution, Systems, and Trauma (featured guest for this episode)
- “Brooklyn Poetry” Feature on Brokelyn
- Entropy’s Small Press Database
- Culture Designers
- Wave Composition
- 6 Transgender and Nonbinary Artists & Activists Changing the World at LunaLuna Magazine
- WKCR Studio A Interview / Live On Air Reading
- Around About Podcast : Reflections
- Lessons from Indie Poetry Presses in Publisher’s Weekly
- Unsilenced Texts in Publisher’s Weekly